Lagniappe: Important Upcoming Events

Congregational Meeting

Wednesday, August 30th
6:45pm Central Hall

On Wednesday night, August 30, we will have our third congregational meeting of the year. While we do not have any major issues to discuss, we always have vital information for the congregation.

I don’t want to take away from the meeting, but I do want you to know that we will hear reports about new people coming to faith in Christ, the growth of the church in all areas, particularly Bible study and worship, and financial giving.

Your faithful giving week by week and year by year allows us to expand ministries to people around us. These include Celebrate Recovery, GriefShare, DivorceCare, Alzheimer’s Support Group, English as a Second Language (ESL) and our Special Friends ministry. They also include diligent efforts to train preschoolers, children, and teenagers in the ways of God.

While we are expanding ministries, we are also rapidly paying down our debt and renovating some much-needed areas such as Central Hall.

Discovery Class

Sunday, August 27th
12:15pm in Fellowship Hall

I want to remind you that this Sunday, August 27, is our next Discovery Class. If you are new to our church or interested in becoming a member, the Discovery Class will suit your needs completely. We talk about beliefs, behavior, baptism, and how to know you can go to heaven. This is a great opportunity provided by our pastoral team. I believe in this ministry completely, and I hope you will join us.

River Baptism

Sunday, September 3rd
4:00pm Bogue Falaya River

Speaking of baptism, we will hold our annual River Baptism next Sunday, September 3, at Bogue Falaya Park in downtown Covington. It’s a great time to see a baptism service with multiple people who are expressing their faith in Christ. I hope you will be there with us.
Park Address: 213 Park Drive, Covington
