This past Wednesday night we had our full program of ministries including several new opportunities that started.
More than 600 people were present in various ministries on our campus, including preschoolers, children (in BLAST), youth, college, and adults of all ages.
What kind of events do we have for adults on Wednesday night?
- a verse-by-verse study of Galatians in Central Hall.
- healing ministries to meet your needs and to aid your growth – such as DivorceCare, GriefShare, Celebrate Recovery step studies, a class dealing with anxiety called Stillness, and starting next week – a class for widows called Grief’s Healing Choices.
- PLACE Equip Class – to help you discover your spiritual gifts and a place for doing ministry.
- a study on A Place Called Heaven.
- a Women’s Bible Study on Women of the Word.
- adult choir, orchestra, and praise band practice.
I am thankful for all of you who are seeking to live for Christ and grow in your relationship with him. I am thankful to have had more than 600 people who are in a developing relationship with Christ – and that is only Wednesday night!
On top of Wednesday night, we had almost 600 women in the Wednesday morning Women’s Bible Study.
And we have so many other ministries for you. I hope you will take advantage of every opportunity to grow in Christ.