Lagniappe: Last Congregational Meeting of 2023

Please join us for our last Congregational Meeting of 2023.

This meeting will take place this Wednesday night, November 15, at 6:45 PM in the Worship Center.

These meetings are where we give information that you need about the church. This includes those who desire to join us in membership, as well as a picture of the financial health of the church. As you know, these are important items that help you know how to pray, and how you can serve in the ministry of First Baptist Church.

There are a number of other items that need your input. We will hear a presentation about the proposed 2024 church budget. We will hear a report from our Deacons and Trustees about mediation on the ongoing heating and humidity issues in the Worship Center.

Also during this meeting we will elect new members to our Ministry Teams, and affirm new Deacons for 2024-2025.

All of these are important items for our church. I hope you will join us as we prayerfully seek God’s leadership in our church, it’s ministries, and in our lives.
