Lagniappe: Tis the Christmas Season

This past Sunday we kicked off the Christmas Season with the annual lighting of the Christmas Tree on the South lawn. It was a wonderful experience with music and fellowship.

This Sunday, you may notice “Bethlehem” on our south lawn. The Children’s Connect Groups will be celebrating Miracle in the Manger – focusing on the birth of Jesus that includes a Living Nativity, a Petting Zoo, and the Bethlehem Marketplace.

Here are some dates you need to know as we go through December:

  • December 8 & 9: Christmas Together – a Christmas Worship Celebration. This will be a special time of Christmas worship led by our multigenerational choir & orchestra. We would love for you to invite your friends and family to join us at one of the three presentations on Friday, December 8 @ 7:00pm, or Saturday December 9 @ either 2:00pm or 6:00pm. No ticket required.
  • December 15: Friday – Miss PattyCake Live – Happy Birthday Jesus. This is for our preschool children and their families. Tickets are $10/family. 6:00-8:00pm in the Worship Center. Email to reserve your spot.
  • December 19 – 21: We will have our regularly scheduled activities.
  • December 22: Friday the office will be closed.
  • December 23: Saturday – no Connect Groups or Worship service.
  • December 24: Sunday Christmas Eve we will have 3 services at 9:30am, 11:00am, & 3:00pm. This will be a time of reverence and awe as we celebrate the Birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, through music, scripture, and the Lord’s Supper. No Connect Groups
  • December 25 & 26: Monday & Tuesday the office will be closed.
  • December 25 – 29: No activities (Except Celebrate Recovery).
  • December 30: Saturday – no Connect Groups or Worship service.
  • December 31: Sunday Services at 9:30am & 11:00am, no Connect Groups.
  • January 1: Monday the office will be closed.
  • January 1-3: No activities (Except Celebrate Recovery).

One final thing – This weekend during all three services we will be voting on approving our $8 million church budget for 2024. We broke it down and discussed it at our Congregational Meeting on November 15th – but did not vote, as per our by-laws. This weekend we vote, but do not discuss.
