Next week school is out for Mardi Gras and many of our weekday ministries will not meet. All activities will resume the week of March 10. We will, of course, have all three worship services and Celebrate Recovery.
Martha and I will take this opportunity to take a break from our weekly preparations. We are looking forward to seeing our out-of-town grandchildren.
Saturday and Sunday March 1 and 2 – Josh Jordan will preach all three services. I am thankful for Josh and all of our pastoral team who love the Lord, love you, and serve so faithfully.
Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday March 9. Please set your clocks forward an hour on Saturday night. Like me, you may be looking forward to spring!
Saturday and Sunday March 8 and 9 we will have Keith Manuel as our special guest. Keith heads up the evangelism emphasis for Louisiana Baptists. I have asked Keith to get us ready for the 3:16 on 3/16 emphasis for our church. I think that you will find that Keith is a fine communicator of the gospel and a fervent witness to the hope that we have in Christ. I believe that his being with us will encourage us as we invite our friends and family to join us for Connect Groups and worship. Please remember that most people attend a church for the first time because someone invites them.
Would you go out of your way to invite people to join with you both in worship and in your Connect Group? Most people who attend a Connect Group regularly will also trust Christ. Connect Groups are our greatest avenue for seeing people know Christ.
We are continuing to see many people take their next step for Christ. I am particularly encouraged at how many teens are opening their hearts and lives for Christ.
After the emphasis on John 3:16, we will turn our sermon focus on the trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ to get us ready for Easter (before resuming our ‘Acts” Series). We will join together for our Maundy Thursday worship on April 17 as we remember our Lord and take the Lord’s Supper together.
I hope to see you then.