Haiti Mission Support

From: Jay Johnston |

On behalf of the team that recently went to Haiti I want to thank you for praying for us. The Lord provided many opportunities for us to share the Gospel everyday. This particular mission was for the purpose of formalizing assignments for ongoing mission work in Haiti. We will soon be sending teams to serve in the area of Croix-des-Bouquet (pronounced quad-a-bouquet) and Canaan.

Our long-term plan includes:

1.building a medical clinic on site at each church (initially 6 churches) that would be somewhere between 300 – 600 sq. feet and to assist with providing a nurse for the clinic at least five days a week. When medical teams go to Haiti they will work out of these clinics.
2.to build a school building in Canaan with a pavilion (approximately 600 sq. feet with pavilion
3.to build an orphanage, medical clinic and pavilion

Our short-term goals:

1.send medical teams at least once a month beginning in May 2012
2.send teams to conduct Back Yard Bible Schools beginning in May 2012
3.send teams to plant churches beginning in May 2012
4.conduct simultaneous crusades beginning in October 2012
5.send teams to teach teachers beginning in June 2012
6.send teams to discover ways to teach a trade like sewing, planting gardens, etc. (ASAP)
7.continue meeting with Haitian Pastors and Haiti Social Service about orphanage
needs (Ongoing)

Please pray about your participation with Haiti Missions. We need people to Pray, Go, and Financially Support. FYI: The place where we will be serving and staying beginning in May 2012 is appropriate for Students 15 years or older to go and serve. We can put husband and wives in the same hotel room, as well as parents with their children. For more information contact Associate Pastor Jay Johnston @jjohnston@fbccov.org or call Jay at 892-2149. You can also read about recent trips to Haiti at jayjohnston.org

With a Grateful Heart,