What We Want For You

Welcome to First Baptist Church!

We are thankful you have joined us today, and we hope you return and make this a regular place of worship.

Here’s what we want you to experience from our church.

First, we want you to meet and spend time with the God who made you and has eternal desires for your life. God created you to know and worship Him. He wants you to experience the wonderful blessings He has for you.

Second, we want you to enjoy the fellowship of other followers of Jesus Christ. None of us is perfect, and none of us pretends to be. However, we have been called by God to live for Him and help you live for Him. Fellowship with other believers helps us to grow and change. God uses personal interactions to make us better people.

We enjoy meeting people and getting to know them. We are thankful you are part of that number.

Third, we want to help you receive God’s blessings for your entire family. We understand that these are hard days to raise Godly families. We will do our best to partner with you to give every member of your family the help you need to live for God in an ungodly world.

Fourth, we want to equip you to serve God and help other people receive what God wants them to have. We stand unashamedly on the truth of God’s Word. We want you and your family to hear, read, receive, and live from His instruction.

For this reason, we put a lot of emphasis on the Scripture. We have Saturday night and Sunday morning Bible Fellowship meetings for every member of your family. Last week at First Baptist Church, over 1500 people gathered in Bible Fellowship groups Saturday night and Sunday morning for the purpose of receiving encouragement from other believers and truth from God’s Word. We welcome you to join in those groups.

Finally, we want you to experience God’s love. God’s Word shows us we are to love God and love others.

May you experience His love today.

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