As a church family we have the opportunity to join many across the USA in a season of prayer for ourselves, our family, our communities and our nation! Our Senior Pastor recently shared info on his blog at The prayer guide can be used by an individual, a family unit, or a small group. Here’s how:
First, decide if you want to use this as a personal guide to 40 days of prayer or ask others to join you.
Second, decide if you want to pray for forty days or forty hours. The Guide is designed to support either of these options.
You can pray once each day between September 26 and November 4, for forty days of prayer.
You can pray for forty hours, between 4:00 p.m. on November 2 and 8:00 a.m. on November 4.
Third, if you decide to make this a group effort, create a sign-up list and ask others to join you in the prayer time. This could be done in person, Face Time, Skype or conference call.
Fourth, register your commitment to pray at the 40/40 Prayer Vigil Web site ( to let others know that you are joining the national movement to seek God for spiritual revival and national renewal.
Fifth, This would be a great time to join a Prayer Band or start one!
If you are interested in leading a Prayer Band or perhaps home prayer groups, join us on Wednesday September 19 at 5:45 for a 30-minute informational meeting in the Hospitality Room. If you cannot attend on September 19 but you are interested in leading please contact our Associate Pastor Jay Johnston @
Be looking week for a Prayer Tip Tweet or Post on how you can meet with others to PRAY!