Lagniappe (lan-yap) is the column I write weekly for the worship services of First Baptist Church, Covington, Louisiana. The word means “a little something extra.” I often use the space as an inspirational message, but I also use it for information for the congregation. I subscribe to the theory that churches do well with information and poorly without it. Therefore, I do my best to tell “what” we are doing and “why” we are doing it. I hope you enjoy my message to the church for this weekend.
I am pleased to give you two important announcements:
First, we are happy to announce that Jeff, Grace, Cayla, and Joshua Markey will be joining our church family as well as our church staff. Jeff will join us as our Music and Worship Associate. He will work alongside Jason Brooks and our worship teams in all our worship ministries.
Jeff is from New Jersey and has recently moved to our area to attend New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary where he is pursuing a Master of Music degree. Jeff has a music education background in the school system and has led music in the local church.
Jeff is interested in orchestrating and arranging music and specifically came to the seminary because of his interest in taking the great hymns of the faith and putting them to the new music. He plays a number of muscial instruments which we have been blessed to enjoy.
Grace has family in the Slidell and Hammond areas. Her dad is a pastor and her sister attended our church several years ago.
Please welcome the Markey family to FBC.
Second, we will have the third of our four congregational meetings this Wednesday night at 6:15 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We will have a brief business session and I will also have the opportuntiy to report to the church concerning our ministries. I will also use the time to speak about our vision for the future.
This is an important time in the life of the church. Please plan to be present. Those of you who are in classes Wednesday night will be free to go to those classes as soon as the congregational meeting is adjourned.
Thank you for your faithfulness in the ministry which God has given to us.
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