We often ask, “where can I go to hear a good sermon and have a good worship experience?”
My answer, “most any orthodox Christian church will work if you are ready for Sunday.”
Having a good, worshipful experience has more to do with God and me than with who’s preaching or leading.
What can we do to get ready for Sunday?
First, prepare all during the week for what will take place on Sunday. The more you spend time with God (in Scripture and in prayer) during the week the more Sunday will be a better day.
Second, spend time in both Scripture and prayer on Sunday morning. Make Sunday morning a time of preparation for what will happen when you worship with other believers. More than anything, early Sunday should be a time of getting ready.
How should you pray? Pray for the person who will be preaching God’s Word. Ask God to give him clarity and authority. Ask God to help the minister apply the Scripture to the congregation as a whole and to you specifically.
Pray for the people who will sit around you. Ask God to give you the opportunity to make a positive difference in their lives.
Third, look for someone to help and bless. Many people attend church who need encoruagement and help. Ask God to put you in the path of those people. At your church most every Sunday, there will be someone who is giving the church one last chance. Ask God to help you to help that person.
Ask God to speak directly to you. Open your heart and life to God. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.
When you follow these simple steps, you will find the sermon, the teaching, and the fellowship to be a great experience.
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