Christmas matters. Through the Christ event, the fullness of Christ has been revealed to us.
Why does Christmas matter? What did God do on our behalf?
First, God works where we live. God did not work outside of history but within the bounds of our world. He came to the real world of Ceasar Augustus, Quirinius, and Joseph and Mary. At Christmas God began the work of dealing with the real sins of real people.
This is not a fairy tale; it is the real story of real hope. God worked in real places dealing with real issues–the issues of sin and rebellion.
God is able to save us because He knows our sinful hearts. He knows what we need and why we need it.
Second, at Christmas God revealed His nature. As we look at Jesus we truly are able to see God. We know God because He revealed Himself to us in the person of Christ. At Christmas we see God as He is.
Third, God cares for all of us. Christmas shows that God came for all people. Neither Joseph or Mary, the shepherds, or even the wise men show that God cares for Jew and Gentile, wealthy and poor, high and low, slave and free.
Fourth, Christmas means that we can know God personally. God wants us to know Him. He made a way for all to know Him and to experience both His forgiveness and His presence.
What will you do with Christmas? Use it to know God and experience Him. Let Christmas be a time when you connect with God. If you meet God this Christmas, today could be your best ever.
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Merry Christmas!