Forgiving And Letting Go

Next week begins a new sermon series about which I am extremely excited. I believe it has the potential to touch all of us and bring us closer to God and closer to one another.

Forgiveness is a universal need, not simply one option out of many. All of us–Christians and non-Christians–must be ready to forgive and let go. Being unwilling to forgive is at the root of all kinds of physical and emotional issues. When we do forgive, we open the door to God’s help for the present and His hope for the future.

These are the sermons I will preach:

August 11, 2013 “Who Needs to Forgive?” Matthew 6:9-15

August 18 “The Problem With Not Forgiving” Ephesians 4:29-32

August 25 “What Exactly Is Forgiving And Letting Go?” Luke 23:32-34

September 1 “What Forgiveness Does Not Mean” John 8:1-11

September 8 “What Forgiveness Is–and Does” Matthew 5:7

September 15 “Forgiveness and The Lord’s Prayer” Matthew 6:9-15

September 22 “How Do I Let Go?” Jeremiah 31:31-34

September 29 “How Do I Know I’ve Forgiven?” Genesis 45:1-15

Would you invite your friends for this series? I believe these messages will speak to all of us and will help many people see the power of Christ.

FBC Covington’s Fall 2013 Sermon Series is “Forgiving and Letting Go.” Here are some songs we’re going to be singing and some we simply want to provide the church to support our theme. We hope these would be songs of healing for everyone to have in their journey to forgive and let go.