Opportunities For The Fall

School has started and we are back into the “swing” of doing church.

In addition to school starting fresh so does church. We have a number of opportunities for you to grow in your faith. Please look at The Vision or go to fbccov.org to get the complete picture. We have almost any scenario possible to encourage you in your faith and to grow you in ministry in the name of Christ.

These are the areas where I will be leading in the coming year.

First, my new sermon series on “Forgiving and Letting Go” begins this weekend. For the next eight weeks we will look at the universal need to be forgiven and to forgive. Many of us are being held back because we won’t let go. Over the next few weeks we will let God speak to us through His Word about the absolute necessity to forgive and let it go.

We all know how difficult this is. We also know our failure to let go is holding us back. Fortunately, God has provided for our needs.

Please invite others to join us for this important series.

Second, each Tuesday I teach men about Becoming Men of Influence. We will look at the foundation of our faith as Paul wrote to the church at Rome.

Whether you are brand new to following Christ or a veteran, you will be helped by looking at the word of God and returning to the basics. We meet each Tuesday at 6:30 AM for breakfast and a lesson related to becoming a man of influence. The meeting takes place in the church Fellowship Hall and finishes promptly at 7:30 AM.

Finally, each Wednesday night (at 6:30 PM in the church Fellowship Hall) I teach an indepth verse by verse study of a biblical book. Beginning this Wednesday, I will teach through Paul’s letters to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. These books are filled with the truths about God and faith with an emphasis on practical application.