What’s Driving Our Building?

I like information. I want to know the “what” of a situation but I also want to know the “why.” Since I want the “whys” I do my best to always give you the “whys” as well.

Today, I want to give you the “whys” for doubling the size of the building of First Baptist church.

The easy answer would be “this is what we determined when we started planning a new campus in 1997.” What we are doing today is simply following the vision which God gave us when He began this journey.

Another part of the answer is we are solving a problem. Many of you are problem solvers. You do it in business and at home every day.

Here is our problem. We are out of space for continuing to grow in Bible Study and fellowship. Our plan is to build additional space for preschoolers, children, and adults (we took care of the youth space when we doubled the space for the ROC). We also plan to build fellowship space and meeting areas for our church and our community.

We want to become a community hub for helping people know Christ.

But our vision (which we believe is God’s vision) goes farther than problem solving.

We are not attempting only to problem solve; we are attempting to reach a community and a region for Christ. We believe the gospel is the Good News. We believe that salvation and hope come only through Christ. We believe He is the hope of the world. We believe that knowing and applying the Word of God leads to the best life possible, both for individuals and for communities and regions.

We believe God is calling us to do something bigger than ourselves and something longer lasting than our individual lives.

For these reasons we do what we do.

Would you please read waylonbailey.com each Saturday as I attempt to explain our plans and the “whys” for what we are led to do?

If you are a church leader in a different fellowship, you will get a good idea of how I “do” church leadership.

We have a great calling let us follow it as we follow God.