Thank you for your intense interest in the sermon series “Forgiving and Letting Go.”
In one sense the series has been difficult for all of us–difficult for me to preach and difficult to have to confront our need to forgive. We normally refuse to really consider the difficult events of life. We stuff our problems deep inside and never really think about them.
While we don’t consider our hurts, our hurts continue to take their toll.
This series has made us think about the hurts and bitterness of life.
If this results in forgiving and letting go, we will be blessed by dealing with such difficult issues.
Many of you have asked for the sermon series. This weekend’s sermon is the last in the series. Beginning early this week you can purchase the entire series as a DVD or audio CD by calling the church office (985-892-2149) and asking for Karen. The set will cost $25.00. You can also go to the church website at to leave a message or place an order.
For those of you who live in the vicinity of FBC Covington, in the very near future we will have a Bookstore Cart in the foyer area nearer to the Children’s area and Media Library. The cart will contain a number of books and Bibles which the church staff has recommended. You will also be able to purchase the sermon series from the Bookstore Cart as well.
We now have two sermon series for purchase. Over the next few months we will be adding additional sermon series as well.
Please consider using the Bookstore Cart as an opportunity to purchase gifts for your family members. We hope to make the cart another resource to help you in your spiritual growth.