Decisions Which Will Affect The Future

Each year First Baptist Church elects twelve deacons to serve a two year term.  The deacons are called by the church to help in pastoral ministry and to model consistent Christian living before the congregation.

Pastors (also known as elders and bishops) and deacons are the two scriptural offices in the church.  Therefore, those who serve as pastors and deacons have special responsibilities to lead the church.

Because of their responsibility, deacons have specific qualifications in the Bible. Both Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3 describe the qualifications of deacons. Deacons should be men filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, men of good reputation who model the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their life. In addition, they should be men who exhibit strong family lives and are respected for sound judgment and loving concern for others.

At FBC, deacons are the people (among many others) who visit the hospitals and nursing homes, care for the hurting, and share the message of the Kingdom of God.

Our deacon election will take place the weekend of November 2-3, 2013. Our Deacon Nominating Team has placed the names of sixteen men in nomination. You will be able to vote for twelve men to serve for the calendar years 2013-2014. Next week, you will receive a brochure with pictures, names, and information about these nominees. They are all outstanding men of good reputation and with a heart to serve First Baptist Church:  Lionel Adams, Chuck Baier, Jim Cook, Elven Dykes, Joe Goodwin, Joe Jarrell, Matthew Johnston, Bill Kilpatrick, Jack Knight, Chuck Rich, Don Saucier, Kevin Seal, Allen Steele, Tillman Stogner, Mark Thompson, and Ron Trupp.

As I have said to others, these are not the “best” 16 or the “only” 16. Some of these men have served as deacons before; others have not. They are simply men who have been prayed over and who seek to serve the church.

Please be in prayer for your very important vote.

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