RISE UP! Is Moving Quickly

RISE UP! Reveal Gatherings Register NowEvents are moving fast–at least for me anyway. These are the events and decisions you need to know about our RISE UP! Capital Campaign.

First, our Reveal Gatherings have been great to this point. Our first three meetings were for those in the leadership of the church–deacons, Bible Fellowship leaders, ministry team members, and other leaders. While some of those folks will be meeting in the Reveal Gatherings which are upcoming, we have had good participation in these early meetings. The anticipation and excitement has been great.

Second, we need you to sign up and attend one of the gatherings. We have a number of options over the next two weeks for you to attend. We even have a morning and afternoon time as well as the evening dates. The gathering lasts for 75 minutes and includes a light meal.

Please sign up  to attend one of the Reveal Gatherings on the Connection Card, at the church website (fbccov.org), or call the church office (985-892-2149). We are looking forward to seeing you and letting you see a rendering of the building and get the latest information about the process.

Third, we can do this by all working, praying, and giving together. God is faithful. He has blessed us in the past and we believe He will continue to do so in the future.

Finally, our Strategy Planning Team is moving full speed ahead. We are in the process of finalizing an architectural firm and getting ready for design documents. We hope to see construction begin sometime in 2014.

Our meetings are very productive. We are learning with each meeting.

Please be in prayer for the church, the Strategy Planning Team, and the pastoral team. We well understand we will get only one opportunity to build this building. We want to do so for the glory of God and for the future of God’s work through FBC.