Important–And Exciting–Days Ahead

This has been an exciting time in the life of FBC.

First, we have had our best year ever in four categories–total attendance, Bible Study attendance, giving, and baptisms. In my estimation, our church health is at an all time high as well. We certainly have much for which to be thankful.

Second, we are moving forward with our new building. We have selected an architect. We will begin final design and construction documents as soon as possible. When we have more information about beginning construction and final completion, we will update you as well.

Third, our Rise Up! campaign to finance the new building is moving forward. Our leadership will be pledging this weekend and we will announce their total pledges next weekend.

All of us will then submit our pledges in our worship services November 16-17 (two weeks from now).

Fourth, we will have our last week of Reveal Gatherings over the next seven days. Please sign up online or call the church office to let us know you are coming.

These are the dates and times:

Monday at 10:00, 4:30, and 6:30. These meetings last 90 minutes. The evening meetings include a light meal. The day meetings will include snacks.

Tuesday at 6:30 PM.

Thursday at 6:30 PM.

Friday at 6:30 PM.

We have been encouraged by your attendance and the insightful questions that have been asked. We look forward to everyone participating. I look forward to seeing you this week.

Finally, prior to our Commitment Day November 17, we have a wonderful time of fellowship and worship for all ages planned Friday night November 15. Please plan to be present.

I am thankful for God’s blessings and for His leadership for our church.