Let’s All Do A 180

Let’s all do a 180 this year, in baptisms I mean. Late last year the pastoral team met to talk about what we hope to accomplish in the coming year. You know about our desire to explore opportunities to expand our outreach through multi-site campuses. We believe that we can reach people through extending our healthy church to nearby areas which …

Our Challenge

Over the Mardi Gras break part of our larger family visited Florida. One of their stops was Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center. They enjoyed an unusual tour of the giant building that we all see when a rocket or the space shuttle space shuttle is launched. The grandsons had multiple stories to tell about the trip and what …

Haiti Mission Support

From: Jay Johnston | On behalf of the team that recently went to Haiti I want to thank you for praying for us. The Lord provided many opportunities for us to share the Gospel everyday. This particular mission was for the purpose of formalizing assignments for ongoing mission work in Haiti. We will soon be sending teams to serve in …

Preaching For Easter And Beyond

Deciding what to preach is almost as difficult as preparing the individual sermons. The good news is that once you have made your decision about a series or a plan you are ready to do the intensive week by week preparation. I have two series for Easter (one before and one that begins Easter Sunday) that excite me. I like …

Buckets Of Blessings

God’s grace is amazing and His faithfulness is neverending. God’s Word tells us that. I remember the first time that I really “got” that concept. It came from the mouth of my professor, mentor, and later colleague and friend, John Olen Strange. Dr. Strange served as a chaplain in World War II in one of the bloodiest island battles of …

Life’s Gonna Get You Down

Life’s going to get you down. That’s a given. Even the most Godly among us experience ups and downs. The question is what you’re going to do when life gets you down. Elijah’s life gives us some concrete ideas of how we should think when life gets us down. First, remember God is in control. Even when it seemed that …

Support Right To Life By Helping The Northlake Crisis Pregnancy Center

upport “Right to Life” by donating items to the Northlake Crisis Pregnancy Center a Christ based ministery. Bins will be located at both entrances beginning the week-end of January 29th thru February 12th. Items needed are: Baby blankets and hooded towels Baby hats and socks (size newborn – 2T) Enfamil Infant Formula Baby Cereals baby Bottles – large and small …

Forgiven and Set Free Bible Study Helps Women Heal From Abortion

Statistics say that one in three women are walking around with the secret shame of past abortion. If you are one of these women, let us encourage you to begin Forgiven and Set Free. You will find healing and wholeness as you enter into this post-abortion Bible study which effectively ministers God’s healing grace in a safe and supportive environment. …

A Look Backward and Forward

Each year at significant milestones, I report to the church where we are and where we are going. This allows the church to reflect and look back as well as look forward. Part of my responsibility is to lead the church in understanding God’s vision. One way that I do so is to have a Vision Meeting from time to …

Why Should a Church Grow?

It’s been my life–thinking about church and what makes church better. I grew up in a family that loved church and did their best to make it better. I think about church all the time. Therefore, it was natural when I wrote a post several weeks ago about how churches grow. The post was specifically about how a church can break …