What do you have on your Bucket List? You know, the things you want to do before you “kick the bucket.” Last week, I received an email from a woman who talked about her bucket list. Last spring, we had another woman attend one of our worship services who had a visit to our church on her bucket list. What’s …
I Want to Offer You a Challenge
I truly believe that to live in Christ is not only good for the future, but it is also good right now. In Christ, we experience the blessings of God, including the fruit of the Holy Spirit—love, peace, and joy (Galatians 5:22-23). When we live for Christ, we give ourselves the opportunity to live the best life possible. It doesn’t …
We’re Going to the Holy Land
Martha and I are hosting a trip to Israel April 24-May 4, 2012. We invite you to consider joining us as we experience the trip of a lifetime. I have traveled to the land of Israel four times prior to this trip. Each trip has been a wonderful experience to see firsthand the land of the Bible. As you know, …
Outdoor Baptism Postponed Until Sept. 11th @ 2:30pm
We have some good news and bad news. First the bad news, our outdoor baptism has been postponed for this Sunday, September 4th. The good news, you have a few more days to register for baptism. Our outdoor baptism has been rescheduled for next Sunday afternoon, September 11th, at 2:30. If you are being baptized we need you at the …
This Has Been An Exciting August
August is always interesting at First Baptist Church. This August has been especially so. Here are some of the blessings that we have experienced. We have seen many new people connect with our church and with the Lord. FBC exists “to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him to experience life-changing relationships.” The sermon series for August …
Information Needed for MILITARY Prayer Band and 9/11 SERVICE
If you or an immediate family member is active or retired military, register here, or please send your name, email address and phone number to Karen McKnight at kmcknight@fbccovorg. We want to honor and pray for our military!
Contempo Diaper & Gift Card Collection
DANIELLE INN is a “Home of Hope for the Unwed, Expectant Mother.” Our women’s mission group, Contempo, will collect name brand diapers (size newborn – 5) such as Luvs, Pampers, and Huggies, and gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, movie theaters, or fast food restaurants to be donated to Danielle Inn. Please put all diapers in the yellow bins located at …
Why Baptism?
I am writing about baptism today because I hope you will trust Christ with all your heart and prayerfully consider following Him in baptism. Without denigrating other churches which practice differently, I want to give a reason for what we do. In a sense, I will give you my understanding and theology of baptism. Baptist groups started springing up in …
A Checklist for Taking the Next Step in Your Faith
During that brief time in my life when I flew a private plane, we always used a checklist to make sure that everything worked. After all, you never want to hear “oops” in the cockpit. You will be happy to know that a checklist is standard practice for the most accomplished airline pilot. If it makes sense to use a …
We Are Glad You Are Here!
Welcome to First Baptist Church! Many of you are new today or have started attending during this summer. We are thankful that you are here. Please come again, and please prayerfully consider making FBC your church home. We have a place for you in a small group Bible Study (our Bible Fellowship classes) and a place in service and ministry …