I’ve always been impressed by Vacation Bible School. I can remember several important events in VBS from the time when I was a kid. I remember a story about a POW. Only a few students knew what a POW was. We learned a valuable lesson that day about depending on God and knowing that God would never forsake you. Since …
Why I Want To Write A Blog
Have I lost my mind? Why would I want to add to my workload by writing a blog? Maybe I shouldn’t be the one to determine whether or not I’ve lost my mind, but I can answer why I want to write a blog. First, let me give the spiritual answer. This is the most important to me. In my …
More Really Good News
In March 2001, First Baptist Church moved its main worship and ministry location from its 90 plus year address in downtown Covington to our present 43 acre campus. Churches that relocate face special problems. First, people are attached to the old location. My family certainly was. It was all that we knew for church. Our daughter was married there. I …
Conformed to the Image of Christ
As a teenager, my parents took us on a wonderful trip–two weeks to Yellowstone and back. Part of the way back was a ride through the Badlands of South Dakota, the last part of the trip before turning south and heading home. Near the little village of Keystone, stands the magnificent Mt. Rushmore with its likenesses of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, …
Ministry to teens flourishes with an inviting place to connect
[frame_left][/frame_left] First Baptist Covington invested resources in facilities that offer the ultimate ministry connection point. Just 30 miles north of New Orleans, one can find rich culture and deep community in the heart of Covington, LA. As a thriving part of the locale, First Baptist Church Covington continues to find new and relevant ways to bring the ultimate message of …
Please join me in welcoming Shane, Jessica, and Carson Booker to First Baptist Church.
This weekend we welcome Shane, Jessica, and Carson Booker to First Baptist Church. Shane comes to us in view of a call to serve as our Minister to Students. We are thankful to be in this position and look forward to hearing Shane for the weekend and at 5:13. We will meet as a congregation Sunday night to consider the recommendation of …
Happy Mother’s Day
May God bless our mothers. You have been given the greatest of jobs—to bear and nurture children. It is a God-given job. I pray God’s blessings over you today. Today is Parent/Child Dedication Day at First Baptist Church. A number of families will present their children before the church and before the Lord. I am thankful for these families and …
Making God Smile
Martha and I are away for a few days and we appreciate Jay Johnston and the other pastors who are doing the work of ministry. We look forward to being back next week and beginning a new sermon series Sealed: Living Godly Lives in an Ungodly World. The sermons will be taken from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, focusing on …
Making the Biggest Differences
Have you considered what you might do to make real and substantial differences in your life? I believe that there are four significant things that you could do to make the biggest difference in your life. First, Learn to Live as Husband and Wife. Could anything make as big a difference for you? If you did this, it would change …
Getting Ready For Easter
Easter is now two weeks away. We really need to get ready to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Christians have been getting ready for Easter in one form or another since the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and His ascension to the right hand of the Father. What can we do to make this a special time of worship? …