Lagniappe: Renovation has begun on Central Hall!

We are happy to announce that the renovation has begun on Central Hall. You may remember that this is part of the reason we began the Anchored capital campaign. Your faithful giving is making this much needed renovation possible. The work began this past week and will conclude sometime late in the spring. Until the work is complete, most of …

Lagniappe: Three Congregations

First Baptist Church Covington is privileged to be a part of a wonderful family of churches, specifically Metairie Church, Metairie Korean Church, and First Baptist Church Kenner. Each of these congregations are different, but each is vital to our ministry and to the Southeast Louisiana region. Let me tell you about these three congregations. Recently, with the concurrence of all …

Lagniappe: Revisions of Pastor Responsibilities

I want to let you know of some revisions of Pastor responsibilities. These changes were made to re-align areas of ministry as we continue to grow and reach our community. Minister of Growth and Leadership—Clif Smith Build and strengthen all areas of congregational leadership such as Deacons, Ushers, First Impressions, Parking Lot Greeters, etc. Actively work with and advise the …

Lagniappe: Three Questions

As we deal with life, I think three questions are pertinent to deal with just about any situation. This particularly has to do with self-improvement. Whether it’s health, finances, or our relationship with God, these three questions seem to make sense to help us deal with the issues in our lives. Question One: “Where am I?” This first question is …

Lagniappe: What We Need

I have many needs. You probably do also. My greatest need is to hear from God and to let Him lead me through life. I have learned that as long as I have the presence of God in my life, I have all that I really need. How do we constantly experience His presence? First, we obviously must submit ourselves …

Lagniappe: Looking at the ANCHORED Campaign

Eighteen months ago, we began a three-year capital campaign called “ANCHORED”. We wanted to emphasize that we are anchored in Christ and that He is our hope for today and for the future. At that time the church committed to give $4.4 million for several capital improvements to the church. These were: purchase the 15.46 acres adjoining the west side …

Lagniappe: Have You Discovered Wednesday Nights?

This past Wednesday night we had our full program of ministries including several new opportunities that started. More than 600 people were present in various ministries on our campus, including preschoolers, children (in BLAST), youth, college, and adults of all ages. What kind of events do we have for adults on Wednesday night? a verse-by-verse study of Galatians in Central …

Lagniappe: Recent Congregational Meeting

At our recent congregational meeting, we used some of our time to simply bring the congregation up to date on where we are in terms of outreach, attendance, and finances. I also spoke about our Metairie Church campus, as well as First Baptist Church Kenner and Metairie Korean Church. Here are some of the highlights of that meeting: First, I …

Lagniappe: Important Upcoming Events

Congregational Meeting Wednesday, August 30th 6:45pm Central Hall On Wednesday night, August 30, we will have our third congregational meeting of the year. While we do not have any major issues to discuss, we always have vital information for the congregation. I don’t want to take away from the meeting, but I do want you to know that we will …

Lagniappe: Thankful for Our Facilities

On Thursday of this week, I had the opportunity to walk over the entire complex of First Baptist Church. While I have an office in the administrative section, I don’t often get to just walk the hallways and rooms of all of the buildings. It was a great opportunity, and I left with three important assessments. First, the buildings are …