Thanks to all of you who joined us this past Wednesday night for our fourth Congregational Meeting of 2023. I want to give you a brief report of the meeting.
Most congregational meetings contain information that pertains to the health and vitality of the congregation. Therefore,
- We received reports about new members, attendance for Connect Groups, and attendance for worship. Both Connect Group attendance and worship attendance are at all-time highs, even higher than before the pandemic. We also continue to have large numbers of people for baptism and profession of faith, with a desire to become members of the church.
We are grateful for all of this. - We received the budget presentation for 2024. As you probably know, we discussed the budget at this business meeting – with no vote. We will vote on the budget (without discussion) during each of the worship services the first weekend in December. If adopted, the budget will go into effect January 1 for the 2024 calendar year.
The church budget gives a ministry guide for the work of the church. - We heard a recommendation from the Trustees and Deacons about a mediation process concerning issues/incomplete areas in the Worship Center related to heat and airflow. The church gave the Trustees responsibility to make a final determination about mediation and any further actions necessary.
- We elected individuals to serve on administrative ministry teams for the church. These individuals were nominated by the Nominating Ministry Team and elected by the vote of the church.
Would you join with me in praying for the ministry that God has given us for the coming year?