By: Waylon Bailey
Easter’s coming and we’re ready for you.
It’s hard to miss the significance of the resurrection of Christ. Paul talked about resurrection in general and the resurrection of Christ specifically: “And if Christ wasn’t raised to life, our message is worthless, and so is our faith. If the dead won’t be raised to life, we have told lies about God by saying that he raised Christ to life, when he really did not. . . . Unless Christ was raised to life, your faith is useless, and you are still living in your sins. And those people who died after putting their faith in him are completely lost. If our hope in Christ is good only for this life, we are worse off than anyone else” (1 Corinthians 15:14-17).
“But Christ has been raised to life!” (1 Corinthians 15:20). Next weekend we get to celebrate His resurrection and worship our living Savior. Next week will be the largest attendance of the year at our church and every other church I know. We have planned for this wonderful day and we are ready.
Please do three things for us.
First, prepare for worship next weekend. Read about the passion week. Matthew 21-28 would be a great passage to read. Read a chapter each day, beginning today. You will finish up next Sunday with the resurrection message from Matthew 28.
Prepare your heart by praying and asking God to reveal Himself to you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Second, bring someone with you. Invite and encourage. Make it easy for the people you invite. Give them detailed instructions for where you will meet and what to expect.
Third, make Easter meaningful. Don’t let it be just something you do before you have lunch. Let it be the highpoint of your day. Worship God. Sing praises. Get involved in the worship.
Easter is not just something else we do; it is the heart of the Christian faith.
Let us make it powerful and meaningful by seeking God with all our heart.