Frustration Is Trending

By: Waylon Bailey

Frustration, anger, and disrespect are trending in America.

Road rage, obscene gestures, and name-calling are all in vogue. Names and actions that harm people seem to be not only accepted but also expected.
What can the church do to help our hurting society?

First, we can show them a more excellent way. In the Bible, the more excellent way is the way of love.

People usually learn more by what they see than by what they hear. The church can be salt and light to our society. As we treat people with respect, they will be more likely to treat others with respect. As we temper our language and seek to live out God’s love, we can help our society find the better way.

Second, we can be the lesson that others see. An example is the best form of teaching. The church cannot simply tell the world what to do. We must give the example of how this plays out.

Third, we must pray for our enemies and those who treat us with contempt. We must not give what we have received. Jesus told His followers to take on a radical ethic. If struck on the left cheek, they were to turn the right as well. Rather than getting back or getting even, they should show the power of God to change lives. If compelled to carry the Roman pack for a mile (something the Roman army could command), they should carry it two miles (something the Romans could not command).

Jesus asked His followers to go out of the way to do good.

By letting their light shine before others, the world could see their good works and as a result glorify the Father in heaven.

You and I have a tremendous opportunity to do good and glorify God. In a world of darkness, the light is much more apparent.

Let us be those people who give light and hope to a dark and hopeless world.