By: Waylon Bailey
Most people who read this blog and receive my LifeApps go to church. Have you ever thought of going to church this way?
When you arrive at your church’s parking lot, pause in your automobile and pray. Ask God what He would like as you enter the presence of God with the people of your church.
By: Waylon Bailey
This is exactly what the people of Israel did as they approached God’s Temple in Jerusalem. Psalm 15 is a pilgrim psalm, one often recited or sung as pilgrims first viewed Jerusalem’s magnificent temple from afar.
The first part of Psalm 15 asks a question. This is a question we ought to ask in the parking lot as we enter the place of worship: “Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live in your holy hill?”
Most of the remainder of the psalm answers the questions. These are the things that matter to God. The psalm is only five verses. I suggest you read and meditate on those things that please God and enhance our worship.
While some commentators see ten commands which correspond to the Ten Commandments, I divide these verses into five areas each of us should emphasize.
First, God wants integrity on the part of the believer. The person who stands before God lives blamelessly and does what is right. He speaks the truth from deep within his very being.
Second, God wants His followers to have wise and judicious use of our words. The person who pleases God doesn’t harm his friend with his speech.
Third, God wants us to see the world as it is. Instead of calling good evil and evil good, God wants us to know right and do the right. To rightly help our world we cannot be naive or succumb to political correctness.
Fourth, God wants His people to be consistent in their lives. Knowing the truth, they live the truth.
Finally, God wants us to use money wisely and in Godly ways.
If you emphasize these areas, your worship attendance will be a blessing that you will not want to miss. The psalmist put it this way: “He who does these things shall never be moved.”