Good News

By Waylon Bailey

I have good news.

According to the guidelines issued by the president and our governor, we will re-gather for live services beginning Saturday evening May 23 at 6 PM. We will then meet Sunday, May 24 at 9 AM and 11 AM.

We have moved the 9:30 service to 9:00 AM to allow time to clean the facility between services. When our connect groups and children’s groups are able to meet on campus again, we will move the service back to 9:30 AM.

We have anxiously awaited this day when we can re-gather for live services. Because of the size of our building we can have 600+ people per service which should accommodate us for this early date. This will last throughout Phase 1, May 15-June 5.

According to how our state does with Covid cases, Phase 2 could begin at that time, allowing larger groups to attend. Our pastoral team will make decisions week by week about what additional areas will be opened in the coming weeks.

While we have taken every precaution for your safety, we want you to make wise decisions about when you return for live services. We encourage the elderly and anyone with underlying conditions or compromised immune systems to continue watching by livestream.

You received a video from me last week describing how re-gathering will be done. You will receive a video from me next week where I will walk you through what to expect as you enter the building and gather for worship.

Please join with me as we continue to pray for God’s blessings for His church.