Today we give thanks for the wonderful nation in which we live. I particularly am a first amendment American. What a blessing to have freedom of religion, and to live in a land with freedom of speech and the press. It is truly something for which to be thankful.
Martha and I want to thank you for the opportunity to be away for the month of July. We have found this time away to be refreshing and a genuine blessing in our lives.
During this month, you will get to hear from several of our pastors. We are going to use Lagniappe to introduce them to you and to let you know some of their responsibilities. We started using our own people to preach years ago because you repeatedly said to me that you enjoyed hearing them and getting to know them by means of the sermon.
Today Josh Jordan will be preaching. Later in the month we’ll give Josh a fuller introduction.
While I will be away for the month of July, I can promise you that you will be well cared for. If you have any need, please call the church office 985–892–2149.
REMINDER: During the month of July, there will be NO Tuesday Men’s Breakfast, Wednesday night Bible Study, Wednesday night Preschool & Children’s Activities or Sunday Children’s Church (PK-2nd grade). All of these activities will be back in full swing starting August 1st!
Please note that the church office will be closed both Monday, July 3 and Tuesday, July 4.
When I write to all of you, I often am reminded of Paul’s words to the church at Philippi: “I thank my God on every remembrance of you.” May God bless you all.