How Will You Start Your Year?

How Will You Start Your Year? 

The new year is a wonderful time to assess where you are and where you want to be. I hope you will spend some time over the next few days doing exactly that.

It’s difficult to finish well if you don’t start well. How will you start your new year?

Let me give you some big ideas for having a great year.

First, plan to pursue God. You will only get to know God if you seek Him. Several times in Scripture we are told to seek God. If we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:8). God told the people of Judah who were in exile in Babylon to seek Him. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).

In what ways can you seek God? Read Scripture. My post published last Saturday will help you with a plan. Plan to spend time in prayer. I suggest a special time and place where you meet with God.

Your year will be vastly different if you seek God this year.

Second, pursue right relationships. Most of our hurts in life revolve around relationships. You can’t make relationships work the way you want, but you can do everything in your power to have right relationships. “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you,” Paul told the people of Rome, “live at peace with everyone.”

I can’t make everyone like me, but I can love other people. Loving our neighbor as we love ourselves will mean that I forgive and seek the best for the other person.

Third, pursue holiness. For some reason, holiness has been largely forgotten by the modern church. We seek happiness but we neglect holiness.

Happiness is an elusive target never to be hit. But pursue holiness and happiness will be a wonderful by-product of your desire to know and please God.

I pray God’s blessings on you for this year. Follow this simple plan and you will experience a wonderful new year.

Have a great week!