I’m Awesome, How About You?


Yesterday I took a break to get a cup of coffee and walked out into our larger office area. Standing next to my assistant’s desk was one of our interns. As I walked by I said, “How are you.” Her reply took me by surprise.

“I’m awesome, how about you?”

This is the way I replied to her, “I’m not quite awesome, but I’m doing really good.”

What makes some people awesome and others of us just seem to muddle by?

I’m not sure I completely know the answer, but these are areas that will help.

First, surround yourself with awesome people. Running into our intern made me want to be awesome for the people I meet.

She made my day “awesome,” can I do the same for someone else? Attitude really seems to be contagious. As best you can, find awesome people who will help you be awesome as well.

Maybe we all need to plan for an attitude of awesomeness.

Second, find a community of people who will care for you. My day yesterday really was awesome. After I met the intern I received a card from a church member who pledged to pray for me concerning my leadership of our church and as I lead our building campaign.

After reading her card and thinking of her commitment to pray for me, I frankly felt, well, awesome!

Third, Give thanks and live a life of thanksgiving. It’s hard not to be awesome when you live a life of gratitude.

When I think of gratitude, I always think of the Apostle Paul. He wrote repeatedly about his appreciation for the people in the churches. This emphasis concerning gratitude is most prominent in the prison epistles. As Paul wrote from prison to the churches of Ephesus, Philippi, and Colossae, and to the individual Philemon, he expressed his gratitude for them and to God.

This obviously was a pattern for his life. This is what he wrote to the church at Philippi.

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:3-6).

I pray God will grant you an awesome day!

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