By: Waylon Bailey ~
I’m dreaming of a blessed Christmas. I want my Christmas to be a time truly spent with God, acknowledging His goodness and blessings. I desire the same for you.
One of the highlights of Christmas is getting to sing Christmas carols. Our Sanctuary Choir will be leading us this weekend as we worship by hearing and by singing wonderful truths of Christmas. Please join us and invite others to join with you Sunday, December 13, at 6:00 PM.
Christmas Eve is a special time at First Baptist Church. We will meet at 3:00, 4:30, and 6:00 PM to sing, participate in the Lord’s Supper, and hear God’s Word. In addition, we will take an offering to be used for benevolence needs.
I have enjoyed getting ready for preaching this month. We are looking at Mary and Joseph. My sermon this weekend is what Mary can teach us about being a woman. Next week I will preach about what Mary and Joseph can teach us about marriage. The Sunday after Christmas will be what Mary and Joseph can teach us about the hard times of life.
The schedule for the Sunday between Christmas and New Year will be the normal three worship services on Sunday but no Saturday night service. Bible Fellowship Groups will not meet on that Sunday–we will have worship only.
Beginning in January, I will be preaching a series called “Starting Over.” I often feel the need and necessity of beginning again. We’ll talk about how to start over and what it will do in your life. Please plan to “Start Over” with worship and Bible Study the very first Sunday of January.
Our new Student Minister, Chris Kroll, has already begun planning for the next year. We are thankful to have him on board, and we look forward to serving together.
I have said to our pastors, the Personnel Team, and to many youth parents and workers that we are poised to have the best youth ministry we have ever had. We have great kids and involved parents and workers. That’s a powerful combination.
May God bless us with His Presence as we worship and study.