It’s Time to Start Over

I love the new year. I love most any opportunity to start over. Sometimes I simply feel a need to change things up.

Part of that need is because like you I am always looking for better ways to do things–more efficient, more effective.

What about your life with God? Isn’t this the perfect time to find a deeper, more significant relationship with Him?

The new year is a good time to begin reading Scripture and spending time with God in prayer and meditation.

Where should you begin? If you’ve not yet spent this kind of time strengthening your relationship with God, I would suggest that you start by reading the New Testament. Simply reading a chapter a day will take you through the New Testament in 2014.

If you’ve read through the Scripture before and are looking for more of a challenge, why not read through the New Testament four times this year? Read three chapters a day and you will have looked at the New Testament with depth and repetition. This will help you immensely in understanding who God is and what He wants you to do.

Have you ever read the Old Testament? Read three chapters a day and you will read through the Old Testament (about 900 chapters) this year with days to spare.

I would suggest you use a different translation than you normally read. This will force you to look at different phrases and ideas (but not different theology or belief).

Whatever you choose, choose to spend time getting to know God. It will make this year a year of joy and significance.

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