

Welcome to worship! I want to thank you for being present today and for how you make a difference as the family of God.

As we serve and worship, here are three dates of importance for our church.

First, please join us NEXT Sunday – October 30th – at 12:15PM under the Pavilion as we honor Glynn and Melinda Robinson for 25 years of service to First Baptist Church. We will have a brief presentation during the worship services and then a time of food and fellowship under the Pavilion.

I’m sure you know how rare it is for a minister to serve 25 years in one place. We want to honor Glynn and his family during this time for their faithful service and devoted leadership. All of you are invited, and we hope you will attend.

Second, on November 5-6 will have special elements for our worship. During the services, we will observe the ordinance of baptism. If you are waiting to be baptized, this would be an excellent time.  

Also, on that Sunday – November 6, we will have our next Discovery Class at 12:15PM with lunch provided. The Discovery Class is specifically designed for new members and those interested in membership. At this meeting we attempt to answer all of your questions about FBC, from baptism to doctrinal and practical beliefs. If you desire membership, this would be a great place to talk to our Pastors about joining. Please sign up for this event on our website.

Third, Wednesday, November 16th, at 6:45PM will be our next congregational meeting. We will have a number of significant presentations, including our proposed 2023 budget and the renovation of Central Hall.

Please join us for these events.

– Waylon Bailey