
The Bible is clear about our responsibilities. We are to rejoice with those who rejoice – Romans 12:15, and we are to honor those who deserve honor – Romans 13:17

This weekend we have the wonderful privilege of giving respect, honor, and appreciation to a family to which honor and appreciation are due. Glynn Robinson has served as one of the pastors of First Baptist Church for the past twenty-five years. What a blessing it is to honor Glynn, Melinda, and their children and grandchildren this weekend. 

Glynn and Melinda have three children: Mollie, Mary Landrum, and Will. Mollie and her husband Chris have two preschoolers, Cooper and Asher. When Glynn and Melinda came to us, they had two preschoolers. How time flies!

We are grateful to have had Glynn and Melinda serve us so faithfully through the years. They came as young family and now have grandchildren! 

During the weekend worship services we will make a presentation to Glynn and Melinda. Then, on Sunday at 12:15PM we will meet under the Pavilion for lunch and fellowship provided by the church. Since we will not have a program at the Pavilion, you can stay as briefly or as long as you wish. 

Not many churches ever get to celebrate such an occasion. I hope you will join the church in honoring Glynn and honoring God who calls pastors and who leads the church.

– Waylon Bailey