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Lagniappe November 30th

This weekend begins the time of our Christmas celebration.

Sunday December 1 at 6:00 PM: Please join us as we light the Christmas tree in the Plaza. This will be a joyful and fun-filled time as our combined choirs lead us in singing some of our favorite Christmas carols. After the music and lighting of the tree, we will enter the Connection Center for refreshments, hot chocolate, and fellowship. We hope this will become a yearly occurrence that includes the entire community. Could you invite your friends and family to participate with you?

Friday, December 13 at 7:00 PM and Saturday, December 14 at 2:00 and 6:00 PM. Our combined choirs and orchestra will present “The Story of Amazing Love”. This will be a joyous worship
celebration of the Christmas story for the entire family.

December 24 are our Christmas Eve services at 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM. This is our traditional way of celebrating the coming of our Lord. In addition to our orchestra, we will take the Lord’s Supper and remember our Lord’s life, death, resurrection, and return to the earth. This is one of the two or three largest attended services of the year. We are so thankful to have a worship center which can accommodate everyone who wishes to join us. At the conclusion of each service we receive an offering to care for benevolent needs of our community. These are wonderful times of celebration.

Please encourage as many people as possible to join us in our celebration.