
Dr. Waylon Bailey


Jesus was born “in the fullness of time” (Galatians 4:4), but it certainly was not an ideal time – – at least not from history’s point of view.

In fact, it may have been in the worst of times. The Jews were ruled by the all-powerful Romans and under the authority of the cruel – maybe insane – King Herod the Great. Anyone could be killed for any reason and taxes could be exacted against anyone.

It was a hard time.

But at that time God was at work, doing the best and the greatest thing in all of history.
You may be going through a very difficult time but remember that God is at work. He takes even our difficulty and turns it for our good.

This Christmas we need to trust . . . and believe . . . and remember:

  • Not simply that God has worked – but also to believe that God is at work today.
  • That God works all things together for good to those who love him.
  • That God has used the difficulties of the past to advance the gospel and to embolden the church.

I pray that this will be a time of encouragement for you as we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Our Christmas Eve services are at 1:00PM, 3:00PM and 5:00PM. We hope you will join with us. We have planned well and prayed for plenty of space and a safe, joyful, and meaningful Christmas Eve service.

I am very proud of our plan for the children’s sermon and celebration of the Lord Supper. We think you will be pleased with how we are doing these things.

Please go to our website, or our app, and reserve a place for you and your family. If you don’t have access to technology, please call us and we will get your place reserved.

If you need preschool childcare (birth-pre K) during the Christmas Eve service please contact Darlene Drivon at by Sunday, December 20th.

Merry Christmas!