As a church, our mission is to teach and equip people to meet Jesus, have a closer walk with Him, and to have a positive Christian influence in our families, places of work, and community.
In this endeavor, we have three events coming up that you need to know about.
DISCOVERY CLASS– Sunday February 5th 12:15 – 2:30PM in the Fellowship Hall and Online. Lunch is provided and childcare is available from birth through 5th grade. This class is for new members and those considering membership. The goals for this class are:
- Orient you to the purpose, values, vision & strategy of FBC Covington
- Explain how membership is meaningful
- Let you meet our pastors and introduce you to the many areas of ministry within the church o Help you discover your place on the team and develop your Personal Action Plan.
- We will finish up with an open time of Questions and Answers
ADULT NEW BELIEVERS CLASS – Sundays February 12th, 19th, 26th, March 5th @ 11:00AM Room W414 This four week class is for new believers who want to learn more about the Christian walk and will cover: o A strong foundation
- Daily growth
- Following Jesus
- Spreading the Word
PARENT-CHILD DEDICATION – Sunday March 19th @ 11:00AM Worship Service. To be able to participate in this parent-child dedication, we ask that you attend two classes that are geared toward explaining the importance and significance of the commitment you are making. The dates for the classes are Sunday February 19th & 26th @ 11:00AM in the Preschool Party Room. To register for the class and the dedication service, please sign-up through the website or contact Darlene Drivon at
– Waylon