
Some things you need to know 

I hope you will read through the following closely so that you know what we’re planning to do in the next few  weeks and months. 

First, we have now set our regular congregational meetings for the remainder of the year – these  meetings are when we meet as a congregation to receive reports and conduct business. We had our first  congregational meeting last month in February, and we will meet on: 

Wednesday, May 24, 

Wednesday, September 13, and  

Wednesday, November 15

These meetings will be at 6:45PM in Central Hall. If we need additional meetings, we will call them with a  two week notice according to our bylaws. 

Second, our special Maundy Thursday Service will be held Thursday, April 6 at 7:00PM in the Worship  Center. We will reflect on the sacrifice of Christ and use that time as a special observance of the Lord’s  Supper. 

Third, Easter Sunday is April 9. We will have special resurrection services Saturday at 6:00 p.m., and  Sunday at 9:30AM and 11:00AM. Last year we had a record attendance for any Sunday in the history of our  church. We expect to have more than 4000 people in the three services this year. Fortunately, we have  plenty of room for you and your guests. Would you make a special effort to be with us? 

I will be preaching from Paul’s affirmation of the resurrection as found in 1 Corinthians 15. I will seek to  show from the Scripture that Christ has indeed been raised from the dead and that He is truly God’s  Son. 

We are hopeful and prayerful for a record attendance and many people who will hear the good news of the  gospel.

– Waylon