As we draw closer to Easter, I want to remind you of the amazing opportunity we have to share our hope with our family and friends.
We need to remember that the Christian faith is judged by the resurrection of Jesus.
The apostle Paul made clear that if Christ has not been raised from the dead that our faith is in vain. Therefore, we have a powerful message to proclaim to the world.
Let us make this Easter a time that we do all that we can to help our family and friends know Christ and the power of His resurrection – Philippians 3:10.
I am sensing a new openness to the gospel of Christ and for the hope that is in Him. Jesus reminded us to work while it is day, a metaphor describing the urgency of the hour. Let us make this a time of inviting family and friends to join with us as we worship. We have often seen that people will attend if we ask.
Even with the large number we have at Easter, our new building gives us plenty of room. If you have any question about that, then join with us on Saturday evening at 6 PM. All three services will be the same both in the message and in the music.
Please pray that God would make this Easter a great time for the people you love.
UPCOMING EVENT that you need to know about: Next Saturday – April 1 – we are hosting a “Special Needs Family Fest & Expo” for the community. If you know a family that has special needs – please invite them to attend. There will be vendors, food, and games for children. This is for ALL ages and a great place to introduce the community to FBC Covington
– Waylon