
An Easter Greeting 

Thank you for being present and joining us in worship of our Resurrected Lord. 

As you know, this day typifies what it means to be a Christian. We are defined by the Resurrection of Christ. Without  His life, death, and resurrection, we would still be in our sin, and we would be people without hope. Thanks to God for  His indescribable gift. 

Let me give you a snapshot of First Baptist Church. These are areas which describe who we are. They matter greatly  to us. 

First, we believe in the authority of Scripture. We do not determine Scripture; Scripture determines us. We seek to  follow Scripture for our understanding of what we believe and how we behave.  

Today in our classes and in our worship, you will see an emphasis on understanding and following God’s Word. 

Second, Christ is at the heart of our lives and our worship. In Christ, we live, move, and have our being. Acts 17:28.  We have experienced His power to forgive us and to make us new people. We exist as a church to help other people  know and accept Jesus Christ and to experience life-changing relationships. 

Third, people – all people – matter. We believe you are here for a reason. 

You need to know this about us: we aren’t perfect, and we don’t expect you to be perfect either. We do want you to  meet God as the Lord of your life and experience His power within you. 

Please enjoy this day with us. Let it be a time when you hear the words of Scripture and the praise of God’s people  toward Him. 

If we can pray for you, please leave us a message on the Connection Card. 

Thank you for joining us today. We would love to see you again real soon.

– Waylon