Christians love the preaching of the cross and the opportunity of rejoicing at the resurrection.
Both of those beliefs were on display Easter Sunday and during the weeks leading up to it as we preached on “Christ’s Sacrifice” and the hope we have in Him.
Not only did we have record number of people join us in worship services on Easter weekend at FBC Covington, but anecdotal reports indicate that Christians turned out in large numbers around the country. Those people who keep up with such trends have noted that it seems we are finally getting over the pandemic concerns and recognizing that we “must” preach the cross and celebrate the resurrection. While this preaching may have never been more urgent in America, this remains and always has been our mandate. “We preach Christ and Him crucified.”
I am thankful for Chris Kroll and our other pastors who preach and teach and lead so effectively. Chris will conclude our sermon series on Christ’s Sacrifice from The Gospel of John this weekend.
I look forward to being back with you next week when we will start a new sermon series on “Awakening” which will emphasize newness in our lives and hope for the people around us.
Would you be praying for this new series and for the opportunities it will bring to call people to faith in Christ?
– Waylon