High School Senior Celebration: Today is a really important day for many of our church families as they celebrate their young adult’s high school graduation.
We will celebrate with them in each worship service and then honor them in a special way at a luncheon for them and their family. I would encourage you to take the handout listing the graduates and pray for as many as possible in the coming days. As we all know, this is a big change in their lives, and they need our prayer support.
Mother’s Day: Next weekend, we celebrate Mother’s Day and rejoice with several young families in our Parent/Child Dedication service. This, too, is a huge milestone in people’s lives. If you anticipate joining in a future dedication, please contact Darlene Drivon ddrivon@fbccov.org.
Congregational Meeting: Near the end of the month, we will have our second Congregational Meeting of the year. This meeting will contain several important items as well as the normal flow of information that we all need as members of the congregation. I hope you will be able to attend. The meeting will be held in the Worship Center on Wednesday, May 24 at 6:45 PM.
Two more big events are occurring soon;
Outdoor Baptism on Saturday and Sunday, May 27 & 28.
Vacation Bible School on Tuesday-Thursday, June 6-8 | 8:30am – 3:00pm for children who have completed K-6th Grade.
You can register for both through our church website www.fbccov.org.
Thank you for joining us for worship this weekend.