A Report on the State of the Church
This weekend I have the opportunity to report to you about the state of First Baptist Church Covington, Louisiana. I have done this through the years and find it to be a very meaningful and satisfying time.
This is exactly what you find in the early church, particularly in the Acts of the Apostles. The Apostle Paul did the same, encouraging and reproving the church.
I hope you will find encouragement and inspiration in this process.
You also need to be aware of important dates and events coming up:
May 24th– Wednesday: Congregational Business Meeting at 6:45PM in the Worship Center. In this meeting we will hear recommendations to amend the budget (for security measures), sell property in Bush, renovate Central Hall, and update church by-laws, along with general information about the church.
June 6th– 8th: Vacation Bible School will be held from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM (Tuesday-Thursday).
June 12th– 14th: We have the pleasure of helping host the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans, June 12-14 at the Convention Center. This will be a great opportunity for you to be a part of those meetings. However, in order to attend, you must be a registered guest. You may register as a guest by calling Jackie Branton in the church office.
Our church orchestra and choir will be leading worship on Tuesday morning along with the choir from Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans. What a great privilege we have to help lead in the worship services of the Convention.
June 28th– Wednesday: A second Congregational Business Meeting at 6:45PM in Central Hall.