
Dr. Waylon Bailey


Heartfelt thanks and love for our FBCCov family.


Martha and I want you to know how appreciative we are for your love and care for us for over 30 years at First Baptist Church. Our thankfulness for that love and encouragement has never been greater than right now. We are grateful for your prayers for Martha’s health and your encouragement that you have given us with your texts, emails, phone calls, and so many other ways of blessing us.

We are so thankful we have a loving church family. We know that our God is good and kind. We know He is holding us in His hands – there is no better place that we can be!

As we go through this time, Martha and I want to seek to minister and to be an encouragement to you as we have been in the past. We recognize there will be times when that can’t be the case, but the congregation as a whole, the deacons, and the other pastors will lead with great expertise and loving care.

So, let us continue to love, encourage, and pray for one another as we go through this.