Dr. Waylon Bailey
Three things…
First, Martha and I want to thank you for your outpouring of support and prayer. You have encouraged us greatly with your kindness toward us in so many ways.
Martha’s surgery is scheduled for Friday, January 29. After a few days in the hospital, we will be
home recuperating and hopefully making a very rapid recovery.
During this time, you can reach me or another pastor by calling Jackie Clark Branton, my Ministry
Assistant at 985-892–2149 (the church office number).
Our pastors are ready to minister and to serve. Please let them help you with anything you need.
Second, we are amazed and encouraged by how many new people are attending First Baptist Church.
If you are one of those, we hope you will attend our virtual Discovery Class next Sunday, January
31, from 5:00-6:30PM. The Discovery Class will bring you up-to-date on what you need to know
to be a member of FBC as well as how to get fully involved in the life of the church body.
Ask your questions, learn our values, and let the Pastoral Team get to know you personally. By the
end of the evening, you’ll know the ins and outs of FBC Covington and where you can fit in!
*Go to fbccov.org to register and watch*
Third, as our church continues to grow, we are in need of servant ministers. I have been very encouraged by the people who say, “I want to serve.”
Your ministry makes First Baptist Church function. Please let our pastors know of your gifts,
interests, and availability to serve. We will look forward to hearing from you and helping you find
your place at FBC.