Waylon Bailey
Martha and I are deeply appreciative for the loving support you have been for us in this difficult time. We are thankful for how you have mourned when we mourned and rejoiced as we have rejoiced. We have been so encouraged by your cards, texts, emails, gifts, and meals. Your personal words and encouragement have meant much to us.
You will be happy to know Martha has gotten stronger every day. Though she went through a very difficult and extensive surgery, she has been lifted by your prayers on her behalf.
We are aware that we have a way to go on this journey, including consultation with an oncologist, but we know that you will be with us every step of the way. We know we can count on the Body of Christ.
We are looking forward to getting to be with our wonderful church family in the near future. I plan to be with you in the pulpit next weekend (February 20, 21).
I always look forward to preaching God‘s word as we move toward Resurrection Sunday. This year I will be preaching about Jesus as the Son of God. We will be asking the question, “Is Jesus God’s Son?“
I think you will be very interested in knowing the story of how I came to preach this series.
We are prayerful and hopeful that we will see more and more people returning to church in the coming months. I pray for your health and safety and for a renewed commitment to be the people God wants us to be.
Let us make these weeks before Easter a time of growing commitment, seeking to become like Christ, and sharing the reason for the hope we have in Him.