By Waylon Bailey
Our first congregational meeting of 2021
This Wednesday at 6:45 PM we will have our first congregational meeting of 2021. This will be a consequential meeting. I hope that you will be present as we make decisions and as we give information about our church.
Here are some items which will be discussed and voted on:
[1] The Deacons will present a bylaw change that will “tighten up“ our guiding documents. If approved, we will add our Statement of Purpose, Statement of Faith, and a proposal about marriage and sexuality.[2] We will vote on receiving First Baptist Kenner as one of the campuses of First Baptist Covington.
In addition to these recommendations, I use our congregational meetings as a time of discussing issues we face as a congregation. This will include a report on 2020 for attendance, giving, and the state of the congregation during the pandemic.
We will also discuss current developments that the church needs to be apprised of.
I hope that you will be a part of this – to receive the information – and help us make good, wise, and Godly decisions.
And . . .
I am thankful to be back with you this weekend. Martha is getting stronger every day, and she hopes to be back with us soon in worship.
Thank you so much for your loving concern and care for us.