By Waylon Bailey
Upcoming events that you will want to know about and attend
- Wednesday March 31st @ 6:45 we will have a Congregational Meeting to discuss and vote-on accepting FBCKenner as a campus of FBCCovington.
- Thursday, April 1st @ 7PM we will observe the Lord’s Supper as we “Do This In Remembrance” of the Last Supper.
- Saturday – Sunday, April 3 & 4 we will have FOUR EASTER Services at 6PM Saturday, 8AM, 9:30AM, and 11AM Sunday. With all of these we should have plenty of room for you, your friends, and your family. Please invite them to come and join you in worshiping our great God.
All services will be exactly the same.
We expect the 6 PM and 8 AM services to be smaller attendances with much more room. If those times fit your schedule, we would ask that you attend then.
Connect Groups will NOT meet that weekend.
We will have Preschool Childcare and Kids Worship for K – second graders at each of the four Easter Services. We hope that these options will help you as you bring your family to worship.
- Wednesday, April 7th we will NOT have Adult/Youth Bible Study or Kids Activities.
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday make Easter an exciting time – and a time of Holy Remembrance – in the life of a Christian.