By Waylon Bailey
Welcome to Easter worship!
We are thankful to have you joining us today in the worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is especially meaningful because last Easter we met only virtually.
Have you considered exactly what the resurrection of Jesus means? While the answer is probably yes, let me give you some suggestions of what the resurrection of Jesus means.
For the follower of Christ, this means:
First, that you are never alone. Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have the Spirit of Christ with us at all times. I take great comfort in this fact. Though I might be all alone or even lonely, I have the Spirit of Jesus with me in every moment and in every situation. I am never alone.
Second, that we have the guidance of Jesus for our everyday lives. How many times do you have to make significant decisions? Sometimes I feel that my life is made up of decisions. I give thanks that Jesus is alive and that I can call on him at any time!
Third, because Jesus is alive, I have the same hope. Jesus is the “first-fruits” of our resurrection. We have the hope of living eternally with Christ because of His death and His resurrection. He was raised from the dead, and we shall be raised also.
May God be glorified on this day and may you be encouraged by the hope we have in Christ.