
By Waylon Bailey

We have seen a steady stream of people returning to in-person worship over the past several weeks – and we are thankful for these faithful members who are now back.

Our attendance for the week after Easter (Last weekend) was 95% of the attendance we had the week after Easter 2019. That is the highest percentage we have had compared to previous attendance.

Here are some events and meetings you need to know about:

First, Sunday afternoon April 25 at 5 PM we will have a congregational meeting to deal with general business and to discuss our association with First Baptist Kenner.

Second, please be aware that registration for vacation Bible school is now open. I hope you will take advantage of this special opportunity June 9-11 to “jumpstart” your children’s Bible knowledge.

We all can see the absolute necessity of children hearing the truth of God’s Word at an early age. VBS is fun, and it teaches truth—an unbeatable combination.

As people continue to return to church, let us remember the importance of sharing our faith and inviting people to attend with us.

This is not a time for God’s people to be timid. We must look for every opportunity to help others experience God and His mercy.